Nourishing Destiny is a "living school" of Inner Alchemy where we teach through the art of embodiment. It is a soul-directed, educational experience that fosters connection to self, community, the natural world, and spirit. We offer each participant a taste of the joy and peacefulness that comes when you feed your being and begin to live in harmony with your natural rhythm, in sync with the natural world and awake to your life’s purpose.

Unique Nature + Soul Expression = Life’s Purpose
Through exploration of the ancient traditions of the East and the modern scientific developments of the West, you will develop a profound understanding of the self – at an energetic, physical and emotional dimension.
Together we embrace the alchemical paths of the healer, teacher, guide, and cook; to build a foundation of embodied wisdom that serves as a map to the conscious evolution for ourselves and our community. We are apprentices, to the Alchemy of Nourishment, learning the art, science, and magic of living an abundant sustainable life.
This 12 month online and onsite program is an immersion into a full spectrum of subjects from nutrition to the esoteric. Once a month individual phone sessions with Esther are included, to support your unique process throughout the program. Weaving together the un-integrated parts of ourselves and gathering the resources of your Soul’s destiny to manifest with ease.

Cultivating and Transforming our Physical Bodies
Physical Mental Emotional Spiritual Energetic
For the Physical body:
Understanding the fundamentals of nutrition and processes of metabolism
The Dietary Basis for 21st century disease, Life cycle nutrition, cleansing detoxifying, food energetics, and cooking
The psychology of eating, our intimate relationship to nourishment
Herbal medicines and plant spirits
Transformational body usage, structural emotional integration exercises
Dance of embodiment, movement as a map to explore emotional nature
For the Emotional body:
Consciousness of our physiology, listening to the voice of symptoms
The wisdom and conscious expression in our organs, endocrine and chakra systems
Exploring our elemental nature, life cycles, 5 elements, 7 stages of healing
For the Mental body:
Unraveling the mysteries of our personal stories
Understanding our DNA through our ancestral blueprint, perceptions and biology of belief
Sacred roots of healing, holding a container for grief, death and dying
Shamanic journey and nature based adventure

Who This Program Will Serve:
Anyone who desires to be free of unconscious beliefs and patterns that create masks of guilt, shame, and negative self worth, that want to manifest a new body, mind and being, resonant of your true radiant self.
For those who wish to embody their soul skin, and enjoy the riches life has to offer. It will be of benefit to all professions, not only for your own personal evolution but these tools can be utilized to enhance occupations from entrepreneurs and business professionals to counselors, therapists, and health care practitioners.
Cultivate the finest expression of your soul’s essence
By the end of this program, you will...
Understand the consciousness held within your biology and physiology
Have a clear map to move through the process of change
Understand the cycles and rhythms of your body
Deepen your ability to experience your emotional body and create fluidity with your feelings so that they become guideposts to direct and inform your actions
Uncover your ancestral-energetic blueprint, comprehend the stories that hold that blueprint in place and recognize the patterns derived from those stories.
Learn how to thrive in your physical body and embrace living in a body free of stagnation, repression and habituated defense patterns
Break free of your programmed personality and embody your essential purpose and essence
Embrace life as an individual in a larger community and free yourself of deep wounding
Embrace the polarities of light and dark
Develop a map for how to live in sustainable community and grow past cultural isolation